Seamoss Education

Did you know that the body is understood to be made up of 102 minerals? And that it is popularly believed that 92 of the minerals are also found in Sea Moss?

Needless to say that Irish Sea Moss is a good source of vitamins and organified minerals. Organified basically means that they occur naturally in a plant based form that is easily able to be assimilated into the body.

There is no scientific manufacturing required. In the world of whole foods like this, you get the full benefits of sea moss nutrition that is readily available in the seamoss, all naturally.

What are the Sea Moss Nutrition Benefits?

This is a short list of the various elements, chemicals, trace minerals, and vitamins typically found in sea moss:

  • Calcium (Ca)
  • Folate (‎C19H19N7O6)
  • Iron (Fe)
  • Zinc (Zn)
  • Copper (Cu)
  • Sodium (Na)
  • Iodine (I)
  • Boron (B)
  • Soluble Potash (K2O)
  • Magnesium (Mg)
  • Manganese (Mn)
  • Phosphoric Acid (P2O5)
  • Potassium (K)
  • Selenium (Se)
  • Sulfur (S),
  • Carbohydrates including:
    • Alginic Acid (C6H11No6)n
    • Mannitol (C6H14O6)
    • Laminarin ‎(C6H10O5)x
  • Nitrogen (N), and
  • Vitamins A to E, and K           


  • What is Selenium?

    Selenium is used widely in a range of applications and is found in commercially produced baby formula, multivitamins and a range of other supplements. It is necessary in small amounts for healthy cellular function.

    Being a component of specific antioxidant enzymes, it also helps to maintain healthy thyroid function by converting one type of thyroid hormone to another type as needed.

    Selenium is capable of changing form under various conditions including temperature variations and exposure to Carbon disulfide.

    Organic Selenium is believed to provide support to the body and prevent a range of complications including:

    • The destruction of cells through premature oxidization and oxidative stress
    • Reduce the degree of impact or the likelihood of:
      • Alzheimer’s disease
      • Cancer
      • Stroke, and
      • Premature aging
    • Reducing the potential of mental health issues and depression
    • Reducing the extent of complications associated with Hashimoto’s disease
    • Boosting the immune system, and
    • Reducing the impact of Asthma and related symptoms


    What is Laminarin?

    Laminarin is a beta-glucan that is found in brown species of seaweeds and algae. It is responsible for the storage of the polysaccharide Glucan. It plays a key role in medicinal and medical research circles as it has been found to possess the following properties:

    • Antioxidant
    • Antiviral
    • Antiinflammatory
    • Anticoagulant
    • Antiproliferative
    • Antitumour
    • Antiapoptosis, and
    • Immunostimulatory

    Laminarin is created via photosynthesis and is needed as a part of the life cycle of many microorganisms. From a food source perspective in our global ecosystem, think of Laminarin as a carbohydrate.

    It is used as a food source in a similar way to how chrysolaminarin is put to use by phytoplankton, in particular diatoms.

    What is Sea Moss?

    Irish Sea Moss is the seaweed that was used a lot during the Irish Potato Famine. Sea moss has been referred to by several different names and is often can include Carrageen or Chondrus Crispus.

    Chondrus Crispus grows on what are typically rocky coastlines in cooler waters like those in the Northern Hemisphere around the areas of the Northern Atlantic.

    You’ll know it when you see it, it is a red algae with a typically flatter appearance than other types of seaweed found around it. As you can see below, the thallus that can look like flat leaves.

    Irish Moss Seaweed - How Can I Eat Seaweed Everyday - - rich and deep purple dried chondrus crispus seaweed leaf on white background
    Chondrus Crispus

    However, when I did my research I found that several people of influence, what some may call public notaries, are promoting the use of different species of seaweeds to Chondrus Crispus and referring to them Irish Sea Moss. This can lead to a little confusion, and some heated debate.

    These other species have been found to include Eucheuma Cottonii, Gracilaria, and Kappaphycus Alvarezii. These are seaweed species which have proven to be much easier to source and grow in many oceans around the world.

    They are also more suited to the warmer climates of areas like the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands, unlike Chondrus Crispus.

    Comparing Chondrus Crispus to Eucheuma Cottonii, Gracilaria and Kappaphycus Alvarezii, these tend to have a tubular looking thallus. They also come in several colors like green, brown, red, purple, gold and sometimes a combination of them as well.

    When these species of seaweed are fresh, they tend to have a firm and crisp outer texture with the inside being softer and more jelly-like. Some of them may also seems a bit rubbery.

    What you tend to find for sale are variations on the dried version of these types of seaweed. They can be prepared in such a way that they hold their natural color, or they can be bleached to appear much lighter.

    This is not normally a chemical bleaching that occurs. It is normally sun bleaching, although, some large scale manufactures out of China who process seaweed have been known to use chemical bleaching. So it pays to know more about your sea moss in the end.

  • Sea Moss Nutritional Benefits

    With (the yet to be 100% confirmed) 92 minerals, Irish Sea Moss is one of the most complex and nutritious foods available. There are so many minerals which are beneficial to the body.

    The minerals have been known to help with Joints and Bone strength, Hair and Skin, muscles and organs. It’s an all round winner in the Superfood category.

    There are people like Dr. Sebi who have survived on a Sea Moss and water fasting for a very long time. The seaweed provides all the minerals and nutrients that the body needs to stay vibrant and energized.

    It is also a drawing agent, which basically means that it helps flush out toxins. We already know that the Irish consumed Irish Moss as part of a staple diet during the potato famine.

    Many would agree that this amazing seaweed helps to create the circle of life. From enhancing the libido to improving fertility and beyond.

    During pregnancy, women tend to become nutrient deficient and sometime experience health difficulties. But, when consuming Sea Moss during pregnancy there are many health benefits.

    It is understood that it helps with the fetus’ development and keeping the mother healthy and strong. After the baby has been born, the Sea Moss continues to provide nutrients from the amniotic fluid during breastfeeding.

    When you consider the wide use of seaweed across many cultures, you get a better idea on the concept that age is just a number. More and more people are coming to the conclusion that Sea Moss can support everybody, young and old.People in different parts of the world prepare sea moss in different ways. In Vietnam, they rehyderated dried sea moss and mix it into a range of foods as a vegetable. More commonly, seaweed makes an appearance in salads, cakes, jellies and deserts.In Jamaica, people typically cook the seaweed with coconut milk, a few spices like nutmeg and cinnamon and then sweeten it to taste. - Article by Christine Donovan